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==Official Github Repos==
==Official Github Repos==
* [ TGR-PRTO-RAYLIB ⟦Current⟧ from 2023]
* [ TGR-PRTO-RAYLIB ⟦Current⟧] from 2023
* [ TGR-PRTO-JS ⟦Archived⟧ 2022]
* [ TGR-PRTO-JS ⟦Archived⟧] from 2022
* [ TGR-PRTO-PYGAME ⟦Archived⟧ 2019]
* [ TGR-PRTO-PYGAME ⟦Archived⟧] from 2019
* [ TGR-PRTO-Love2D ⟦Archived⟧ from 2018]
* [ TGR-PRTO-Love2D ⟦Archived⟧] from 2018
* [ TGR-PRTO-C ⟦Archived⟧ from 2017]
* [ TGR-PRTO-C ⟦Archived⟧] from 2017


Revision as of 18:37, 4 March 2024

TheGameRazer's Logo

TheGameRazer(CodeName: 'Taylor') is a Modern, Retro-styled 16-BIT GameSystem inspired by the SegaGenesis and SuperNintendo.
Designed and created by BILLPC2684 over on Github

Official Github Repos


ROM Size: 16 to 256 MB
Number of ROM Banks: 2 (16 MB seekable in total)
RAM Size: 64 MB of RAM (expandable to 128 MB)
Video RAM Size: 32 MB of RAM (expandable to 64 MB)
Video FrameBuffers: Layers 5, 5th is for final rendering
Video Resolutions: 480x360, 800x600, 852x480 and 1280x720
Audio: None at the moment.

Assembly Instruction Set for Taylor using CustomASM

  • REGs are A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H (0-7 respecitvely)

not to be confused with

  • Instruction A, B, and C, which can represent ":REG" or a ":FLAG", their value can range from 0x0 to 0xF(15)
  • IMM is a Intermediate Value, can be anything from 0x0000000 to 0x7FFFFFF
  • / means continue reading same spot 1 line up
HEADER0 -> generates DummyData for 16-char ROM Name and 12-char ROM Version.
HEADER1 -> generates DummyData for 16-char ROM Name, 12-char ROM Version and 32-char ROM Author.
HEADER2 -> generates DummyData for 16-char ROM Name, 12-char ROM Version, 32-char ROM Author and 32-char Checksum.

mov  A:REG, B:REG -> moves B:REG to A:REG
load A:REG, IMM   -> loads  IMM  to A:REG

add  A:REG, B:REG, C:REG -> adds A and  B,  to C
addi A:REG, IMM,   C:REG -> adds A and IMM, to C

sub  A:REG, B:REG, C:REG -> subtracts A and  B,  to C
subi A:REG, IMM,   C:REG -> subtracts A and IMM, to C

mul  A:REG, B:REG, C:REG -> multiplies A and  B,  to C
muli A:REG, IMM,   C:REG -> multiplies A and IMM, to C

div  A:REG, B:REG, C:REG -> divides A and  B,  to C
divi A:REG, IMM,   C:REG -> divides A and IMM, to C

mod  A:REG               -> return last division's remander to A
mod  A:REG, B:REG, C:REG -> divides A and  B,  and return remander to C
modi A:REG, IMM,   C:REG -> divides A and IMM, /

and  A:REG, B:REG, C:REG -> bitwise ands A and  B  togther, into C
andi A:REG, IMM,   C:REG -> bitwise ands A and IMM togther, /

or   A:REG, B:REG, C:REG -> bitwise ors A and  B  togther, into C
ori  A:REG, IMM,   C:REG -> bitwise ors A and IMM togther, /

xor  A:REG, B:REG, C:REG -> bitwise xors A and  B  togther, into C
xori A:REG, IMM,   C:REG -> bitwise xors A and IMM togther, /

bsl  A:REG, B:REG, C:REG -> bitshifts A to the left by  B,  into C
bsli A:REG, IMM,   C:REG -> bitshifts A to the left by IMM, /

bsr  A:REG, B:REG, C:REG -> bitshifts A to the right by  B,  into C
bsri A:REG, IMM,   C:REG -> bitshifts A to the right by IMM, /

not  A:REG -> inverts A

flag A:REG -> read the CPU's Flags into A

jmp  A:REG,   B:REG -> jumps to A..B
jmp  IMM            -> jumps to the given Address
jmp  .Label         -> jumps to the .Label's address

cmpeq  A:REG, B:REG, C -> if A ==  B  >-/-> then continue, else skip 1 or C instruction
cmpeqi A:REG, IMM,   C -> if A == IMM >-/
cmplt  A:REG, B:REG, C -> if A <   B  >-/
cmplti A:REG, IMM,   C -> if A <  IMM >-/
cmpgt  A:REG, B:REG, C -> if A  >  B  >-/
cmpgti A:REG, IMM,   C -> if A  > IMM >-/

split  A:REG, B:REG, C:REG, 8 -> splits   A into B and  C | 8-bit (16b -> 8b,8b)
split  A:REG, B:REG, C:REG, 4 -> splits   A into B and  C | 4-bit ( 8b -> 4b,4b)

comb   A:REG, B:REG, C:REG, 8 -> combines A and  B into C | 8-bit (8b,8b -> 16b)
comb   A:REG, B:REG, C:REG, 4 -> combines A and  B into C | 4-bit (4b,4b ->  8b)

wmem  A:REG, B:REG, C:REG -> Writes A at B..C to Memory
wmem  A:REG, IMM          -> Writes A at IMM  to Memory

rmem  A:REG, B:REG, C:REG -> Reads B..C from Memory to A
rmem  A:REG, IMM          -> Reads IMM  from Memory to A

halt  A:FLAG -> Halts or Restarts the System/Device
hlt___A:FLAG -> /
|1: Halt All CPU Cores    |
|2: Shutdown Everything   |
|3: Reset Everything      |

disp  A:REG               -> Displays A ------- (FOR DEBUG ONLY)
disp  A:REG, B:REG        -> Displays A,  and B /
disp  A:REG, B:REG, C:REG -> Displays A,B and C /

ipout A:REG, B:REG -> returns Instuction Pointer to A..B | example with 0x17F39: A would be 0x0001 and B would be 0x7F39

page  A:FLAG, IMM    -> selects ROMBANK(IMM) from CART into MemoryMap[BANKSLOT(A)] | theres only 2 Bank Slots

core  A:FLAG, B:FLAG, IMM -> Starts(B==1)/Stops(B==0) core A at IMM Address of memory

push A:REG -> pushes A, into Stack
pop  A:REG -> pops Stack, into A
swap       -> swaps the first 2 Items in Stack

call A:REG, B:REG -> calls A..B --------------- as a Function [uses Stack]
call IMM          -> calls the IMM ---- address /
call .Label       -> calls the .Label's /

ret  -> returns from a Function [uses Stack]
led IMM                 -> sets the System's LED color with IMM as #RRGGBB
led A:REG, B:REG, C:REG -> sets the System's LED color with A,B,C as R,G,B

clk A:REG, IMM -> grabs the system's clock in MicroSecond to A (IMM>0 will Reset the clock)

wait  A:REG -> waits for a [A]mount of MicroSecond
waiti IMM   -> waits for a IMM amount of MicroSecond

break IMM -> Debugs for IMM amount of instructions (FOR DEBUG ONLY)

nop -> what you expected me to do something? NOPe!


## TGR MEMORY MAP ##################################
# ROM[0]   $0800000 [$0000000 - $07FFFFF]   8   MB #
# ROM[1]   $0800000 [$0800000 - $0FFFFFF]   8   MB #
# SAV      $0800000 [$1000000 - $17FFFFF]   8   MB #
# WRAM     $3FBFE00 [$1800000 - $57BFDFF]  63.7 MB #
# STACK#0  $0020000 [$57BFE00 - $57DFDFF] 128   KB #
# STACK#1  $0020000 [$57DFE00 - $57FFDFF] 128   KB #
# I/O      $0000200 [$57FFE00 - $57FFFFF] 512   BY #
# SRAMEXT  $4000000 [$5800000 - $97FFFFF]  64   MB #
# VRAM     $1F80000 [$9800000 - $B77FFFF]  31.5 MB #
# VSTACK#0 $0020000 [$B780000 - $B79FFFF] 128   KB #
# VSTACK#1 $0020000 [$B7A0000 - $B7BFFFF] 128   KB #
# VSTACK#2 $0020000 [$B7C0000 - $B7DFFFF] 128   KB #
# VSTACK#3 $0020000 [$B7E0000 - $B7FFFFF] 128   KB #
# VRAMEXT  $2000000 [$B800000 - $D7FFFFF]  32   MB #
## 216 MB [0xD800000] ##############################
## TGR VIDEO MEMORY MAP ############################
# VRAM     $1F80000 [$0000000 - $1F7FFFF]  31.5 MB #
# VSTACK#0 $0020000 [$1F80000 - $1F9FFFF] 128   KB #
# VSTACK#1 $0020000 [$1FA0000 - $1FBFFFF] 128   KB #
# VSTACK#2 $0020000 [$1FC0000 - $1FDFFFF] 128   KB #
# VSTACK#3 $0020000 [$1FE0000 - $1FFFFFF] 128   KB #
# VRAMEXT  $2000000 [$2000000 - $3FFFFFF]  32   MB #
##  64 MB [0x4000000] ##############################
#### ROM can be up to 16 MB split into 2 Banks! ####
## exROM can be up to 128 MB split into 16 Banks! ##

GPU's OAM Sprite Objects

|\7654 3210 \7654 3210                                   \"-"BIT"Not"Used""|
|\XXXX XXXX \XXXX XXXX . Sprite Address [____0-67108863] \ X BIT Used      |
|Byte[3]. . Byte[2]     /  Local GPU Address (0x3FFFFFF) \ = BIT Unavaible |
|\---- -XXX \XXXX XXXX /                                 \_________________|
|\XXXX X--- \---- ---- ColorPallet [____0-___31] (0x001F)|
|                                                        |
|Byte[4]                                                 |
|\7654 3210                                              |
|\---- XXXX Alpha. . . . . . . . . [____0-___15] (0x000F)|
|\XXXX ---- Layer. . . . . . . . . [____0-___15] (0x000F)|
|                                                        |
|Byte[6]. . Byte[5]                                      |
|\7654 3210 \7654 3210                                   |
|\---- ---- \XXXX XXXX Width . . . [____0-  255] (0x00FF)|
|\XXXX XXXX \---- ---- Height. . . [____0-__255] (0x00FF)|
|                                                        |
|Byte[8]. . Byte[7]                                      |
|\7654 3210 \7654 3210                                   |
|\-+XX XXXX \XXXX XXXX X Cords . . [____0-16383] (0x7FFF)|
|\X--- ---- \---- ---- Flip X. . . [____0-___15] (0x000F)|______________.
|                                                        |"""1280"is"""|
|Byte[A]. . Byte[9]                                      | the highest |
|\7654 3210 \7654 3210                                   |_____________|
|\-+XX XXXX \XXXX XXXX X Cords . . [____0-16383] (0x7FFF)|
|\X--- ---- \---- ---- Flip X. . . [____0-___15] (0x000F)|
    |"0x9800000."//GPU"MEMORY"LOCATION"""""""""""""""|    | Layers' PtrLength                     |
    | +32*15*3 . //CPLength (32 Color Pallets)       |    | Address = 32-bits (actually 28-bit)   |
    | +40. . . . //PtrLength [Address,Width,Height]  |    | Width..Height = 32-bits (16-bit each) |
    | +OAM Objects(MAX:0xFFFF)*11                    |    | Total 64-bits 8 bytes per Layer       |
    | = SpriteData Area                              |    | 8*5 layers = 40                       |
    |________________________________________________|    |_______________________________________|