FCWiki:Distinction between fantasy consoles and fantasy computers

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The distinction between fantasy consoles and fantasy computers is often argued about; whether the issue is if the distinction ought to exist at all, or what FCs stand on which side of the divide if it does, the argument will never truly end, as there is no way to satisfy everyone.

In order to quell any arguments from starting on this wiki, the following policy is implemented:

  1. If the prospective fantasy console/computer describes itself as a fantasy console or a fantasy computer, then, for the most part, it will be taken at its word as such.

    For instance, PICO-8 is a fantasy console, despite having some characteristics that would otherwise categorize it as a fantasy computer. TIC-80, on the other hand, is a fantasy computer, since it describes itself as such, the fact that the characteristics listed below would otherwise label it a fantasy computer notwithstanding.
  2. If the prospective console/computer does not make an effort to assert itself as being on either side of the divide, then the decision as to which side it is on will be made depending on the characteristics of games that can be made with it.

    Generally, if games are provided with a button controller, then the FC will likely be labeled a fantasy console.
    If games can access the keyboard directly, without using something clearly demarcated as for developers (such as PICO-8's devkit keyboard and mouse support), then the FC will likely be labeled a fantasy computer.
    If games do not have access to a graphics mode (i.e; text mode only), then the FC will likely be labeled a fantasy computer as well. (A text-mode FC that only allows button inputs does not exist at the moment, but such an FC would be judged on its own merits if and when it is released.)

In addition, the neutral term "FC" (eff-cee) is to be used where the distinction does not matter (such as the programming language categories).